Zona norte: Acompañamiento en trabajos de limpieza

  • With the formation of inter-institutional task teams, work is coordinated by districts.

  • More than 40 teams deployed in 11 districts cleaning streets, avenues and pedestrians, as well as in front of houses that were still closed in municipalities such as La Lima, Choloma and Villanueva.

Tegucigalpa, December 22, 2020. After 48 days that tropical storms Eta and Iota flooded areas of the national territory, cleaning and debris removal tasks are concentrated in the affected sectors in the northern part of the country, in accompaniment to the efforts of those affected and in conjunction with local authorities.

These military tasks are part of the support carried out in the framework of the second stage of Operation #NoEstanSolos carried out by the Government of the Republic, in the process of national reconstruction. 

“Through the formation of inter-institutional task teams, it is working methodically by districts. The Armed Forces intensify the efforts of the State to stimulate the cleaning work, adding tasks of sanitation, painting of houses and delivery of domestic kits, ”explained the Spokesperson of FUSINA in the north, Eny Vega.

Currently 40 teams are assigned to 11 districts to clean streets, avenues and pedestrians, as well as homes that were still closed in municipalities such as La Lima, Choloma and Villanueva, where municipal authorities registered highly affected families. 

The dynamism of the work has created the necessary conditions that facilitate the population’s prompt return to their homes, in a hygienic and safe environment.

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