Personal policial y militar asiste a población en zonas concurridas

  • On this day, the government allowed the population to leave the cities that remain in Toque de Queda Absoluto so that they can stock up on food, make arrangements with banks and buy drugs at pharmacies.

T [/ dropcap] egucigalpa, March 19, 2020 . «We are following up on what is established by the government, police and military personnel have been displaced to places crowded by the population to acquire food,» said FUSINA commander José Ramón Macoto.

He also stressed that the troops have personal protection, since they have been instructed through talks and protective equipment.

También informó que se activaron los comandos regionales, con el establecimiento de puntos de control en sectores fronterizos.

Asimismo continúan con el acompañamiento al personal de la Secretaría de Salud, en especial en las ciudades de Choluteca, La Ceiba, San Pedro Sula y el Distrito Central.

Por su parte el Sub Comandante de FUSINA, Hugo Salvador Velásquez, mencionó que producto de las medidas y la herramienta de la denuncia de la ciudadanía a través de la línea de emergencia 911 se logró detener a nueve personas que estaba realizando saqueos en un establecimiento comercial.

He ended by appealing to the population’s conscience to support the security forces, when they were at the police and military checkpoints that are being carried out in the face of the emergency that the country is facing.

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